Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি অধিদপ্তর, যশোরের তথ্য বাতায়নে স্বাগতম। Welcome to District ICT Office, Jashore's Portal.

Designative Officer

Md Abul Kasem
Name Md Abul Kasem
Designation Programmer (District ICT Officer )
Office Name Department of ICT, Jashore
Email doict.jashore@gmail.com
Phone (Office) +8802477762551
Phone (Residence)
Mobile +8801318252928

Alternative Officer

Engr. Abdullah-Al-Mamun
Name Engr. Abdullah-Al-Mamun
Designation Assistant Network Engineer (Grade-9)
Office Name Department of ICT, Jashore
Email mamun.anedoict21@gmail.com
Phone (Office) +8802477762155
Phone (Residence) +8802477762155
Mobile 01682229238

Appellate Authority

মুঃ খায়রুজ্জামান (উপসচিব)
Name মুঃ খায়রুজ্জামান (উপসচিব)
Designation Deputy Director (Admin)
Office Name Department of ICT, Jashore
Email khairuzzaman15787@gmail.com
Phone (Office) +৮৮০ ২৫৫ ০০৬৯২৩
Phone (Residence)
Mobile +৮৮০ ১৭১৬ ৪২৯২৮৫